Tuesday 5 February 2008

Immobiliser keypad both lights on all the time

In case anyone does ever visit this blog I thought this might help someone in the future....

I recently had the clutch replaced on my car and after re-assembly the garage found that both keypad lights were on when ignition key was at position 2 and it wouldn't accept the code or start.

They checked all the earthing to no avail so I hit the internet. I did find some useful threads whi I'll list below in case they are of use to anyone else. I personally found that HonestJohn (http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/threads.htm?f=4) Backroom forums were very good and the people on there very helpful.

Anyway - the garage had no luck in solving it so I went out there with my dad who is pretty handy with anything mechanical or electrical. We spent the best part of an afternoon checking earthing and continuity to see if there was anything there but no joy.

My dad spent a bit more time on the net in the evening and found references to the inertia cut-off switch. Now the wiring diagram in the Haynes manual doesn't show that this is connected but it stands to reason that if you need to cut the fuel supply it must stop the fuel pump.
He found that a cable had become dislodged there and that was it - keypad went back to operating as normal!
It took about a week to get my car back but at least we didn't have to carry out the fuel-pump surgery that seemed at one stage to be the only option....



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